Lalita, Kotmich and Me

This has been a crazy four months for me - and while I have lived under the illusion that my life has not changed all that much - meaning I can still read my favorite political biographies, latest being a 900-page JFK: A Biography by historian Michael O'Brian, meaning I can still go to Starbucks for my soothing mocha session once a week, meaning Kotmich and I still have movie nights once our Lalita falls asleep at the usual time, 7 pm - well, leave aside all that, my life is not the same anymore. I am at home, caring for a kicking and screaming (literally -she is a soprano) baby which happens to be mine :). Among the thousands of things we can no longer do with Kotmich are:
* Dining out in our favorite Adams Morgan or Du Pont Circle or Pentagon City spots, completely aimlessly and wondering what to do next.
*Chilling out inTryste - an entel dantel type of salash coffee shop where you can cozy up unnoticed by anyone on an antique smelly sofa, and enjoy your latte - completely un-Washington type of a rare experience (yup this place is too bureaucratic)
* Movie nights - they were our favorites, especially the shallow science fiction types and James Bond movies, they are down the shute too. The max we can do is rent a DVD and watch it with subtitles on, since the baby might wake up if the noise is too loud.
* Having meaningless excruciating and cathartic philosophical dialogues with spouse - we can only pause from our daily routines for a brief hi and bye accompanied by half a glass of Merlot, and then it is time for our movie, a quick supper, or a Starbucks.... No time for procrastinating and meaningless fluff.
Having said that, baby is growing and beginning to peep into the pages of the book I am reading - she is also learning when it is time for lunch and when it is time for play. She has discovered her hands can hold a rattle and today for the first time we went outside to say hi to Sun and birds and melting snow - she seemed to enjoy it, next time will be more fun.