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Monday, November 26, 2007

Lala took her first step today! She was sitting and playing with her daddy's office supplies, then on a whim as if she remembered to do something, she got up, and very nonchalantly took a step forward like she had always done that - this is the most extraordinary thing I have seen in my life, nothing can compare to this. Also her vocabulary list is growing, fir example: Phone: tetete, hello: tete, guzel: guze, cok cici: cocici, geldik: eeediiik, kotmish: ooottis...

And everything else seems so trivial but here are other things happening or about to happen: We are planning to visit Poly and Doug in New York, a 5 hour trip by car. Our Paris trip plan is still in the air, could not make it happen in such a short time and I want to be there in the fall.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

London Bridge is Falling Down...

I am in my(re)creative mood again - so many things to do so little time! I found a good art workshop teaching the still life painting technique of Chardin and Cezanne among other painters. And teachers are from the Corcoran. I also became a Duck as a mom of a Duckling - registered Lara to another 8 week swimming session, she successfully graduated from the aquatot class. A mom told me about the new class at a recreation center close to our house, and now we take our ducklings there to swim. Today we danced in circle to the tune of London Bridge is Falling Down, Falling down, my fair lady....By we I mean 8 femmes plus the ducklings.
To get to the rec center, I have to drive trough the misty cloak of sky high trees clad in the hues of late fall. Believe me when I say that this morning I was driving in an oil painting of trees- every single dead leaf in its crystal silence, fallen tree trunk, unpredictable sharp turn on the narrow asphalt road made me realize how beautiful our planet is and how lucky I am to be here. I could be in Tralfamador, for all I know, and who wants to be there?:)
Also did I mention I am reading the Second Sex by Simone Beauvoir, just mind blowing - can't believe she wrote it half a century ago. An alpha must read.

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