irving penn.jpg

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

I oficially received an offer today from the US Chamber of Commerce as a Corporate Communications Intern. I beat my competitors. They reviewed my sample writings, and called right away. Finally, somebody appreciated my papers, not to mention, they actually read them, and thought I am skilled enough to write for a premier US political organ! I was thrilled but I hope I can find a real job, maybe as a senior writer. My responsibilities as an intern will be joining sessions, doing research for speechwriters, and writing articles for Finally, an exciting opportunity to be a writer. What this means is I will be close to America's political heartland. Well, VERY close. The Chamber is right next to the White House!I asked my supervisor about career prospects, and he told me previous interns crossed the road, they are working as researchers and writers at the White House. I do not have this aspiration. I prefer to stay on my side of the road. Who knows, some day I may do this for a living. Not road-crossing, writing...:).


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