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Saturday, July 09, 2005

To Sculpt or Not to Sculpt....

I knew it! I knew those deformed hands of mine are meant for things more meaningful than just sculpting. I realized that writing is good for my soul, but it is not physical - and hardly an art. As a start, I will transform my small apartment into a studio-I can imagine soft classic music playing in the background, and lots of unfinished sculptures-crude, ugly, but mine! What is life, if not molding reality as you see it with your own bare hands! I am excited!

Today, we went to good-old Old Town. We had ice-coffee at Misha's, then we let ourselves get lost in the crowd of cheerful, good-looking, fashionable tourists who came to see one of the most historic places in the US. I could be one of them (tourists, not historic places!)-with the exception that I live here, so I am almost jealous of their joy and excitement! Life can be strange, two people seeing the same things, eating the same food, walking on the same street, dressed in the same style -yet feeling so different about the place. Maybe I should be glad I live so close to such a dramatically beautiful place, but what I realy feel is the routine of the sameness. While they see the fun Alexandria, I see the boring one. I know it will be lonely in winters-depressing even. I know all tourists do the exact same things, eat in the exact same restaurants, and while they have a memory for a lifetime, I know I am confined to this "beautiful" place. While bombs explode in the other end of the world, life goes on in DC--traffic jams, shopping craze, frappucino madness, and breakfast meetings at the beautiful houses of my new Turkish friends. This is what my life looks like at a distance.


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