This is a poem dedicated to Bozcaada (Tenedos), an Aegean island for which Heredot said: "God created Bozcaada so that we live longer."
Bozcaada. A place of sorrow, a place of joy.
Somewhere far far away, a piece of land where we came together
the three of us, the lonely, the desperate and the hopeless. We came together and the wind was blowing, and just like waves barely touching their mother-land before returning to the sea, we touched each other briefly and for a painful moment our souls were one, three strangers looking into the endless sea, looking for an answer - why and when did we grow strangers to each other,
and when is that distant wave going to come back to us, to touch the sunburnt sand, and this time not with scorn and not with indifference, but with love? Love that only exists in books...and in the heart of a mother.
two levents together, that's always a pleasant sight. i'm in istanbully right now and have to admit that i couldn't care less about it. my thoughts keep going back to you and a few real friends that i have left. i realize that my friends are my only country now and i don't belong anywhere. well, what's new, right? how have you been?
Haha so this is how I felt too in Istanbul - for two months I have not felt like doing anything at all, I felt it is as strange to me as the next country, so I just visited with my family etc. It is funny how when you see a place from an outside angle, it means so little to you. I am doing great so far, and the baby is doing well too - it is a girl! We can talk more when you are back, for now enjoy your trip as much as you can!
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