Winter came..We had our first snow fall, it was a quite, dove-white day. I watched the snow flakes fall down, and it was the most peaceful thing I have experienced this year. Soon there was a thick blanket on the pines, oak trees even the four lane road that I drive every day to do my grocery shopping or Starbucks treat was all white, cushiony, and slippery (I had to go out and drive, but was very careful). It felt like I was driving on a road puffed with white marshmallows, they salted the road late in night o the snow on the road was gone. I introduced Lara with snow, she touched it and seemed puzzled, and said krrrrr, of course, trying to say kar (snow). Tomorrow we are going to DC to see a photo exibit of Annie Liebovitz, Levent and I are both fans. He being the photographer, he probably appreciates her art more than I do, but on the other hand, I realized one does not have to be a photographer to look at a photograph...and look...and look...and feel alive in some deep way and know this photographer is good. Fur, the movie was good-in my opinion had nothing to do with the real Diane Arbus -appearance wise or otherwise, she is another favorite of mine. But I think she would have liked the way she was re-created, it looked true to her spirit if I can say so based on what little I read about her. So for the trip tomorrow to DC, I had to go out today and buy Lara a shawl - then I put it on around her neck while she was playing and toddling around the house(yes walking), and she didn't mind. In fact babies, I find, are so open to anything - like there is nothing wrong with wearing a wool shawl in a well-heated house, like it is the most natural thing to do. I should learn from her.