Visited the
Annie Leibovitz A Photographer's Life exhibit at the Corcoran, and on our way Levent and said to Lara mota-mot : "Today is not about you, we are taking you to places every day and today we are going to have fun." It all turned to be about her at the end- we took turns in viewing the photos while one of us watched over Lara. Well, I can say I saw more than half the photos (luckily I had seen some of them before in magazines) and even managed to read some of the story bylines next to the photos :). I was rushing to finish as people around me took their time. I was most impressed by Susan Sontag's photographs, Annie's partner in life.
I had seen the Leibovitz exhibit when it was at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Having the option of listening to Leibovitz' own audio commentary about the photos made all the difference, since it made me pay attention to every single photo and notice the details. I would say a few things about how grown up Lara looks but decided that this comment should be about you :-) I missed you a lot and will call once my final paper and grading for this semester are done!
My dear old friend, thanks for leaving a comment meant for me - really. I am experiencing a process of absolute Larafication, I can say I am Laratized. Even the Starbucks barista, where I go everyday, says :"What is it going to be mom?" Help!! Call me when you can. L.
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